Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We're being welcomed home with high temperatures but plenty of sun! Our trip to Indiana was wonderful and came to an end way to quickly.  Don't you hate how fast time goes when you want it to drag on and yet when you want time to be quick it goes ever so slowly! Funny how that works out..

I am full of energy today which is wonderful.  Garrett and I headed out early this morning to run errands and at one point in the grocery store I was the mom with the crying baby...and then I saw a mom walking out with a little boy throwing an even bigger fit, kicking and screaming and he made my little guy seem like an angel..THEN I realized how that will probably be me one day :). All moms walk that road and it seems there is no getting through motherhood without the struggles of an upset child.  Today that was my boy though and I didn't like it one bit! He has hit a growth spurt again and i'm hoping these next few days pass with my hair still intact. Today I did learn how to push a cart with my hip, hold a baby trying to leap out of your arms, and pick up groceries. So anyways for now we are dealing with extra feedings and a fussy baby, but hey! we had 10 hours of sleep total last night and I'll take it! 

Darren and I had two 14 hour trips to/from Indiana and God blessed our marriage incredible in that time! I can't get enough of that guy.  He says things every now and then that blows me away.  I was confessing some things i'm struggling with and he challenged me in a graceful way.  He does that and it reminds me of the way Christ is towards me!  I've been running on empty for some reason and God filled me up during this trip home and also through my husband.  He 'gets' me and still love me for who I am!  We are different in many ways but I love how he compliments me in such a way that only God could have intended.  We were reminicing about how we met over the internet and after being reminded of the details I was amazed that God could write a love story so beautifully.  We are approaching our three year wedding anniversary and this last year was the best we agreed on! I'd say the first two years were rocky and certainly filled with troubles but I love the marriage we have today.  We're learning each other and growing more in love.  Marriage is not simple and it certainly takes a daily effort to be intentional with loving and showing respect.  Some days are easier than others! :) But for today i'm thanking God for blessing me with Darren.  He's wonderful!

A long time ago my father brought to my attention how I can care about people to a fault.  I will take a friends burden on myself and after awhile if i'm not leaving whatever issue they're having with God i'm feeling really down for them.  It's a joy stealer! I hope you don't think i'll stop caring for people but there's a healthier way!  God intends for me to love my friends and if they're struggling with something to listen and be available but then pray for that person and leave it in God's hands  It's not healthy to hold onto their issues and try to help too much.  Loving someone means sometimes to share truth but then let them make their choice even if that choice will hurt them.  I hate seeing hurt friends making choices that will lead to a path of more hurt..hope that makes sense! I'm seeing friends angry, bitter, getting divorces, distant with their spouse, struggling with life and It breaks my heart.  I'm always amazed the way we can justify sin and believe God is alright with that.  But God intends for me to trust Him in all matters. Thankful for realizing this over the last week so I can better love the people in my life!

This summer the woman at church are doing a monday night bible study.  I am looking forward to this time with these new friends to dig into God's word together and see new friendships bloom.  I hope God uses monday nights to teach me how to be a better woman, wife, and mother.

Well I don't even want to think about laundry but the pile is...well way too big! I'd much rather sit outside and read but that stink'n bees nest is there and we have to take care of that first.  I guess that means laundry
:( bummer! Have a wonderful day!

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