Monday, April 25, 2011


My sweet baby boy hit the two month mark today.  He is growing everyday and i'm soaking in these days, one after another. I am thankful for him and how much we've both grown these two months.  Sooner than I'd like he'll be 13 and i'll be wondering where the time has gone! Those thoughts lead me to pick up my sleepy baby and cuddle him while showering him with endless kisses.  He has been doing very good and this mommy is starting to get sleep finally! It's interupted sleep but I'll take it!  We have been hanging out with friends and taking long walks in our beautiful weather we've had.
we tried pictures today but he wasn't on board with that :(

"I give up" :)

Today something happened that opened my eyes to the way God loves us (his children).  I was walking down the stairs outside and a bee flew over and went right up to Garrett.  First momma bear came out of me and this bee was going to die! but then I thought 'Sting me! Not him please!'.  Thankfully it flew away but as I continued on God spoke to me. "Laura, that is how much I love you but even deeper."  God couldn't stand to see us die and be separated from Him and that's why he sent Jesus to be our perfect sacrifice to bridge the gap from when we sinned against him.  I know this seems obvious but I would take Garrett's place in an instant because the thought of him hurting is awful.
There is nothing Garrett can do to lose my love and i'm reminded that goes the same for us in God's eyes.  It is very neat to experience a mother's love firsthand. 
I've been praying hard for friends today.  Sometimes I listen to a friends broken heart and want to mend it myself but today I begged God to restore a marriage, and heal a wounded heart.  I believe God can take a broken mess and turn it into something beautiful.  With all of my heart I believe that. :) He did that in my marriage.  As I gave testimony today of my marriage it made me realize how amazing God is for doing that in my life.  Darren and I are still a long way off from the perfect marriage but I love that man dearly.  I'm thankful today for a husband that cares deeply for me when I deserve nothing.  God really cares for me and heard my cries for help and came to our rescue so many times.  Marriage is hard but love is worth fighting for.  A marriage takes a mixture of two selfless people, love, kind words, laughter!, friendship, encouragement, PRAYER FOR THE OTHER, hugs/kisses, being there, and so much more. I will always struggle with being too selfish but I believe God works through our weakness and we are made strong. 
I am praying that God would send angels to guard the door of a dear friend's marriage like he did for me.

I've come to love my time with God over the past few weeks.  I picture eternity with Him and if it's anything like the peace during our conversations, well I can't wait then.  It is incredible how this unseen God has become more and more real to me and how deeply I need Him in my heart.  There are countless times that I have put God on the back burner but I tell you now it is awful because there is nothing as sweet as Christ in your life.  It is horrible realizing you are on a path apart from God.  I don't do well apart from God and thankfully the Holy Spirit remains in my heart to lead me back!

:) okay so I have some really neat friends around here.  I say that because yesterday we walked into church and I was like a little child in a candy store. As we worshiped I kept picking out friends and i'd smile big and think 'oh I just love her!' 'They're here! awesome :)' and I had the hardest time actually singing because I was excited to see my church family that i'm coming to love dearly.  I love how our pastor is always excited to see us and that we are welcomed warmly by everyone.  We didn't have family around for Easter but our friends from church invited us for brunch and we had a great time talking and laughing.  They are so fun to spend time with.  Then for dinner our sunday school class got together and we laughed and talked some more swapping stories about our children and life.  I went to bed last night feeling full of love.  I have to tell you that the other night I was confessing to Darren almost in tears how lonely I was feeling and then for God to answer a prayer with comfort from friends when they didn't even realize it.  I love how prayers don't go unanswered and the way God answers them always surprises me.
Well I should get going! Can't wait to keep sharing. :)


Anonymous said...

Great book you reminded me of in this post..."The Power of a Praying Wife." It is so encouraging!!! You should check it out! :) and your pictures of Garret always make me smile and excited to be a mommy someday!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! I love it when your cup runneth over!!! It spills out all over us and we feel AS uplifted as you surely have been this past week. THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!

Your little guy sure is showing everyone how much he is loved by his mommy and daddy. I hope you are feeling the confidence that we see in you when we look at these lovely pictures of Garrett with you and Darren. God has blessed you all, and through you, God has blessed us, your friends, family and your readers.

Love you lots, Laura!