Tuesday, April 10, 2012

{Some Change}

One source describes change as the act or instance of making or becoming different.

 I have been seeking an answer from the Lord for over a year about how to deal with a certain (very important) part of my life.  I talked it over with family, and friends but claimed to not know what to do still.  Was I listening? Was I not facing reality? Or was I scared?

Well, I throw my hands up and tell you i'm not sure! 
But here is what i'm sure of..

I was sick about where I was, angry, annoyed, and plain old tired with a little bit of confused.
I was losing sight of my savior, marriage, the goodness in people, and the gifts God gave me.

But today as things unfolded in two separate conversations it appeared an answer finally came when i wasn't even searching for it.
Although I joked with the Lord about his time table being way off, I realized he knew exactly what he was doing.

I'm going to walk away from a place that I care about.  That part is hard.  But with no bitterness or anger, just for the purpose of moving ahead to a place we fit better.   While God remained quiet I was given a chance to work through a few things making it acceptable to move forward now.
I could have never become different with this change if I was stuck in unresolved conflict.

He cares deeply and has a plan.

Some lessons we go through are plain old hard.
But tonight as I was given a glimpse into this new chapter  I couldn't stop smiling because something in me was at home and I needed that more then ever! 
Tonight i'm going to bask in this peace that has come over me and thank God for it and his calling to move forward under his umbrella of authority.


Remember that chair I bought? That I cleaned and was anxiously getting ready to tackle the slipcover project?  Well that chair stinks.  It smells awful and it's been cleaned and cleaned with no hope of ever smelling better.
I'm debating what to do right now.
Pitch it out? Sell it? Take it apart and start over?
This $15 chair is turning out to be a little more then that. :)
Right now i'm leaning towards selling it and getting my money back.
Lesson learned.
In the future i'll make sure to not just see the price but check it over first even if I look ridiculous smelling it up close!

I hope you're having a great day and had a wonderful Easter!
I'll make sure to post pictures soon :)
Thinking about you!


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