Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sweet Amida..

{Sweet Amida}

Welcome to our family little one.  We are beyond excited to place your photo on our fridge and pray for you often.  The first letter has already been sent and we can't wait to see you grow over the coming years.
My heart is giddy tonight as God reaches out to you through our family.  We don't have much but goodness what a blessing this is for all of us. 
You, sweet one have a special place in my heart now and I can't wait to see what God will do in this.
The mother in me is excited to in a way adopt and nurture you.  I already want to give you the world and protect you from any harm that should ever come your way. 
I love you sweet Amida.

Oh yes, I've cried over this girl and have felt a heavy burden on my heart to squeeze this into our budget.  It's important to me because it's important to God.  He placed me in a family that did not struggle financially.  I married a man that has a steady job provided by the Lord and we always have shelter, food, and much more.
I've been blessed. 
God reminded me of this recently and my eyes were open to the rest of this world.  My monthly budget may have seemed tight last week but today it's huge compared to the equivalent of $23.00 Amida's family brings home.  So we prayed and considered this option to reach further and through
Compassion International we're able to help this little one know who Jesus is, see she gets an education, food, and is prayed and cared for from across the world. 

Allergies have taken over in this home and we've lived with a constant runny nose and acquired funny congested voices.  Last night I was going to head to bible study without Darren as he had to study.  He was to keep Garrett and so I was making dinner.
REWIND*I went to walmart to get medicine and since we're on a budget I picked up $0.88 allergy medicine.  I was getting a bargain I thought! We made it home and I popped those two pills as fast as possible...
There I was standing over the stove when my world started to get fuzzy and I started to drift.  I thought, 'whoa am I okay? nope..get to the couch as fast as possible' I called to darren but he was upstairs.  By the time he came down I had drifted asleep completely against my will.  Because all i was thinking was I need to get to bible study! An hour later I came to and darren told me the time and then I went back to sleep again..against my will.
I took an antihistamine..I was not educated in the side effects and the power of TWO of these tiny pink pills. Whoa!
So here's why i'm telling you this.  I was about to head out, in the car to bible study.  If I would have been in the car..well I don't even want to think of what could have happened. But I decided this morning when I finally came to that God had sent angels to protect me last night to sit me down on that couch.
*He MUST have a wonderful plan for my life.*
I'll be more aware from here on out what i'm taking. :)

And finally this was meant for last night but like I said earlier this girl was out!
A video covering my time in the Book of James.

1 comment:

Melissa Tomczyk said...

Love the little video! :) Very nice touch on the blog!