Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hello friends!

How has your week been? The weather has been incredible lately and i'm hoping you've been able to enjoy it too.

My heart is very full tonight with excitement. I met two new friends this evening that i am already crazy about. It has been a prayer of mine since i moved back home that i would be able to have a few close friends that love the Lord and would be an encouragement for me. God designed us with a need for relationships and it's amazing to meet other woman that share a love for Christ and are there to walk with you through a season or more in your life.
The other thing that has me excited is that tonight we had a meeting for our awana club at church. Next Wednesday the kids will come and i can't wait to start! I'm going to be helping with the youngest (cubbies), it is my favorite age group i think. They say the funniest things and I have a sweet spot for these kids already. It will be fun to work with them and be able to help out while i'm here.

I was starting to (*hate saying it*) WORRY about where we will live when we move to Virginia. It started out as a subtle thought in the back of my mind, but then with all my free time i began searching homes in that area, apartments, military housing, etc. After talking back and forth with Darren we were not getting on the same page with this and it was starting to become upsetting because I don't know the area and how safe it is and some places are affordable but appear to be dumpy. WELL, tonight on my way to church i heard it loud and clear. 'Laura, let this home hunting go for awhile, there's nothing you can do and it's stealing your joy. Have you committed this to prayer and left it in God's hands yet?' Ouch! But what a nice reminder of the importance of including God and letting Him in all areas of my life. That is what I am trying to choose to do now, to let this go until we are able to do more and for now simply trust God will lead us to a home.

I read this awesome quote off an article my friend had posted and can't seem to move passed it. "God delights in me because of Jesus" This is a very simple message but it has many implications behind it. For one it's nothing i'm doing through my performance that has God delight in me, it's always been because of Christ that God can look at me with love. The other is that He is always delighting in me, when i'm following Him or not being obedient. He loves and delights in me because of Jesus. I love hearing new messages like this that i'm able to digest over a few days or months because they're very important to our walk with God.

I'm learning quite a bit about God and how I want to live my life out on earth for Him.
I wanted to share a statement i heard tonight that nailed how i want to be described at the end of my life. It was said about Ruth graham that she was lovely and wise because she chose Christ as her center, home, and purpose, example and vision. I love that! I want to be an example of Christ to all that encounter me in this world, it's not easy but as i grow it's the Holy Spirit in me that is refining me and molding me into a woman after God's own Heart.


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