Saturday, March 31, 2012

Recently I read through a post from a women who was truly upset over people not giving proper credit where credit is due. I felt guilty thinking back if i've ever slipped up and not properly cited an idea and then stopped myself. 
I'm sorry if in the past i've done a lousy job of doing that.  I wouldn't ever walk into someone's house and steal a candle sitting on their table so I don't want anyone to think i've stolen anything from them.  :)  
There are such wonderful ideas out there for fixing up your home or different recipes and i'm simply inspired by them wanting to recreate that in the life i'm living. 
Lets have some grace on each other though. 
So here's our deal.
If I do have an original thought or idea..
use it! and don't worry about giving me credit. I will just be happy that you are using something that I came up with.
We're friends :)

This blog has been wonderful allowing connection with others, a chance to hear your stories, as well as grow closer to you.  There have been moments I wonder if anyone is checking in but I think that's something us fellow bloggers do wonder. God has really stilled all those fears in me of not being good enough by teaching me  I have a story and a message of embracing my relationship with Him, marriage, motherhood, friendships, the military, etc that maybe just one more person needs to hear that she will know she's not alone.  We were meant to do life together and that's why I want to be here in this small way.

 Blogging is a humbling experience..but i'm grateful to have this corner to come and share.  Thank you for coming back and listening and also teaching me.

Okay! Enough on that...lets jump into all of these pictures!
are you ready? there's a ton of them today :) but don't we all love pictures when we're too tired to read?

Spring banner!
I needed some cheer in our family room and this did it.

Now, please notice those pillows.  They've been with us for almost four years now and needed a little TLC.

I made these envelope pillow cases for them! I am a new at sewing but that was a lot of fun.
In my last post is a link for where I found this idea.
There is more story to these pillow cases but we'll talk about them another time.

{I needed His words in my home.} 
And I went digging for a good printable and found this. LOVE it :)

Easter is one of my favorites.

This picture didn't come out too great but can i ask for your help in what to do in the front? Flower ideas that are inexpensive?  I have two empty pots hanging out on the porch. I've been weeding this last week so i'm ready to plant..but don't have the know-how. :)

My Easter Decoration from Dollar General. $3

My in laws sent us a sweet box of goodies that we opened today.
This was in it! Adorable :) G and I read this book tonight. I saw a very cute peter rabbit picture at goodwill the other day for a few dollars and wanted to buy it to fix up G's room in this theme but couldn't justify doing that at this point.  Oh well!

Our Church had an Easter egg hunt that the little guy couldn't get enough of.  It's hard to believe he's actually walking.

'Look momma! I got one!'

I love this picture of him :) He is checking out all of his goodies.

We're not done yet :)
Bag of Easter eggs draping on one arm and the diaper bag on the other I swung the door open cheerfully and looked over to THIS beautiful piece.  I swung back around and looked at my husband who was grinning ear to ear.
That man does love me.
He helped a friend move today and they were going to throw this away! Darren said 'hey my wife would love this!'
That's what i call love.  AND i don't even need to touch it because it's already my color. :) But..i don't know what to do with it yet or where it will go exactly.  Ideas are welcomed!

AND then..I walked into the kitchen and he was putting this back together! They gave us this table too! Can you hear my excitement?  Sometimes life is good and God must love seeing his girl happy by allowing this stuff to happen.
I'm accepting our new budget and he is blessing that.

I have been walking a lot this week with a few moments of running in there as well as eating much better.  It's all about moderation. :) I'm seeking freedom here but that's another post :) anyways my husband brought these home and i treated myself to...TWO..
Am i the only one who wants to savor the freshness that first day? Two, three day donuts aren't the same as first day, right?
Looks like it's going to be a run tomorrow and not a walk!

Phew! are you still with me? Only a few more, I promise.
I bought this chalkboard for $1.48 and painted it..yes you guessed it, white!

I am still deciding where to hang it and how to make sure it doesn't fall since It doesn't have any hooks on the back.


If not for the Navy I wouldn't have found my way to this beautiful rental home.  I have been one happy girl living here and being able to make this our home.  The other night I teared up when I thought about having to move one day from this house, I wish we could take it with us.  Four bedrooms and two bathrooms, a nice fenced in backyard..well this is perfect for me!
But I'm going to live fully here in this home and not think about the future.  We'll take it one day at a time. 
Are you loving where God has placed you? Or are you struggling feeling like the walls are caving in around you?
I don't know where you live but here's a few things i'd encourage you to do asap..
1.Let the light in! Open the shades or windows if warm enough
2.Take a walk (if it's safe)
3.Buy a yummy smelling candle
4.Ask a friend to help you fix up a room
5.Browse some blogs and be inspired (don't feel bad you don't have what others do but do collect ideas)
6.Be thankful for what you do have and embrace where you're at in life, sometimes you won't feel like it and it will require a choice..but it's worth picking a good one. :)

Praying and thinking about you tonight!

Thank you so much for stopping in today. :)

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