6 weeks and 4 days, can you see that tiny peanut looking thing?

Almost 10 weeks, and he/she looks like a baby!

I am lucky<3
This morning i had a doctors appointment and our baby is doing wonderful. It was a quick appointment but they did another ultra-sound so i was able to see that little cutie again! Today he/she actually looked like a baby. I even had a little wave and it was neat to see it moving around. I may have teared up?? :)
I keep taking peeks at the picture from today and smiling. I've been praying lately that God would keep Darren safe and our baby healthy. Thank you Lord for answering prayer!
This week Tuesday I went over to my in laws and we went blueberry picking and had a very yummy spaghetti dinner. Then the next morning we headed over to Dan's retirement party and that afternoon made blueberry jam. I enjoyed spending time with them.
I have been feeling very good this week, not really nauseous or having severe heartburn and then today after lunch i was so close to being sick. It is the strangest thing how one minute you are fine and then BAM! you feel like you're going to throw up. I have realized that i'm very very good at making sure i don't throw up, i couldn't tell you how i do it though.
The one thing that i have been is sleepy! For example today, (i didn't mean to!) i fell asleep for almost 3 hours! :0 can you believe that? I normally don't let myself do that but i was reading and then fell asleep.
I'm going to be traveling a lot this month (and the next two) and i'm looking forward to seeing family. Next week we are going to my sister's baby shower and we'll stay a few days. Then the next week I will be heading with Dan and Sharon to Kansas to visit Darren's brother's family. I am so excited to see Ej and the girls again. I've really missed them! Of course i wish Darren was able to be with me, but being around family makes this deployment a lot easier. It will be nice to be somewhat busy.
Christmas in July! We are watching the Polar Express tonight and now i'm in the mood for hot chocolate, Christmas songs, and snow...isn't that funny? I bet you're thinking NO WAY! Actually i am looking forward to fall which is right around the corner and this winter. I am hoping Darren will be back before the end of this year, please pray that would work out! if not it will be okay but wouldn't that be awesome? I sure think so.
I have so many insightful things i'd love to be able to share right now, but i really want you to know God is good. I am learning more about what it means to be a christian. Following Him doesn't come easy because we want to do what we want, and when we want. Sometimes it takes a good reminder that God has my best interest in mind when He corrects or disciplines. I'm realizing the importance of knowing His word and hiding it in my heart. Through reading the Bible, God is able to teach and mold. My mom once put a quote in my bible. This book will keep you from sin, and sin will keep you from this book. I am always encouraged when i see that quote written in the front of my bible. This journey is a learning process, i am not perfect and at times fall short, but God loves me and that is comforting.
Have a great night everyone!