Today's post is just for fun as I mentioned yesterday. The creative juices have been flowing but with a lack of decorating funds, energy, and a home of mine to do as I wish it makes it hard to do anything with inspiration. That's why I've decided to use my wonderful Blog as an outlet. *None of these pictures belong to me, all were found around the web and to the owner of the homes it actually is...I love it!
Here's our coffee for the tour...
Having a Beautiful view is a must. I seem to find myself in love with either a home by the beach or in the country. Either one would be amazing!
Here are a couple adorable homes to give you a feel for my style...
I would of course have my desired Garden..and for the fun of it I'll throw in a garden shed!
If make your way further back you'll likely find a hot tub, and look at that view!
But you can't have a beach home without a few chairs to sit and enjoy the sunrise/sunsets.
Lets go in though because I'm dying to show you around!
Here is my favorite space. The kitchen! I love to bake, cook and did you know the best conversations are held in the kitchen?
My Farmhouse kitchen sink! Yes please :)
If you come over for dinner I'll definitely prepare a delicious meal to serve in the dining room.
This is the BASEMENT. *Sigh*One day! (here is the sectional couch my husband wants so badly. Not this exact one but something like it.)
I love a clean pretty bathroom. Who wants to take a bubble bath in a drab dirty room? So here are a few styles you'd probably find in my home.
This is our bedroom. I didn't really find my favorite while looking but these two have wood floors and are still cute!
This is my cozy chair and a pile of books because it's a must-have
This first picture is my computer desk where you'll find me writing in this very blog. The other room is my scrapbook/sewing room. A whole room for crafting..that's just too good to be true!
Need to take a break? Have a seat on my comfy couch please. :)
If you look around the room you'll likely find nick knacks similar to these...
Alright lets see the garage! It's neat a clean just the way I like my home.
If you were staying the night you'd be staying a this room. I love bench chairs with a nice view outside. I hope you'd feel comfortable here!
AND..A mud room. I love the idea of walking in with my hands full and having a place to hang my purse and coat in an organized fashion. I love the bench for little ones too.
Doing the laundry is a chore..but maybe if I had a beautiful place to do the laundry I wouldn't mind it as much. :) Who thinks of this stuff? These laundry rooms are way to fancy!
My other favorite room...Garrett's room of course. I love the beach theme and the over-sized chair to nurse him in. I just noticed he has his own bathroom? Neat!
Well we've come to the end of our pictures so we can choose from two rooms to lounge, finish our coffee, and enjoy a warm conversation...

Thank you for letting me share my cherished dream home with you! Maybe one day, right?