Friday, January 7, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Today marks week 32 and lets be honest friends..the third trimester stinks! As my body adjusts to new changes on top of the simple stress of moving to a new area i'm overwhelmed some days! I have formed a close bond with fatigue, heartburn, and frequent trip to the bathroom. Our baby boy (still nameless, sorry!) has found my ribs and it must be a comfy place for him because I have spent many painful moments stretching out, turning side to side, and gently pushing to see if I can squeeze him out. It doesn't work and eventually he moves when he's ready. :) I'm sure all mothers can relate to this uncomfortable but all too familiarly pain.
I think that around this time it must be when the reality of motherhood begins to settle in and then a list of fears begin to form. Or it's just me? Anyway I was having a terrible day yesterday handling the pains of pregnancy and being away from family. I picked up the phone and called Ej and while she was laying in bed sick still managed to be a great friend and listen to my 'verbal diarrhea' and then offer encouraging words. I really do love my sister in laws and the fact that I'm just as close to them as my own two sisters. I'm blessed!
There are great things about the end of pregnancy though. I actually look pregnant now and there's no hesitancy when someone asks me when i'm due. Isn't that fun? I always felt bad when someone would be afraid to ask. I love sharing this pregnancy with my husband and...buying baby things! It's now acceptable to go out and pick up the last remaining things and we are about ready to start fixing up the nursery! I am all about the third trimester for that reason. :) Around where we live there is a best buy and babies r us right next door to each other so today we went our separate ways and I was in new mommy heaven! I've never gone there to shop until today. We bought a few essential things and a couple fun baby items too. I was most excited about buying his pack n play that will double as a bassinet. My sweet husband seemed to actually not mind walking part of the store with me and he picked up a cute shirt for his son. I can't even begin to tell you how great it will be to see Darren with his baby boy. He's already a proud dad.
Lately I have been relaxing and it looks something like this.... I refuse to feel sorry because i'm pregnant and rest is acceptable. I make sure to take care of the home (laundry, cooking meals, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc) but when i'm finished it's nice to not have too much to do. I have stopped all exercise now because when I would it hurt and i'm pretty sure it's a good thing to listen to your body when it says stop. I miss running though but don't remind me I said that after this baby is born please! ;)
I frequently read a devotional by Chuck Swindol and love it! It's not long but the message is always powerful. Today mr. swindol was talking about the character of Christ. He was added a verse that struck a nerve in me.
Mark 10:45
45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His 1life a ransom for many.”
This is my king and savior...Jesus came not as a celebrity but as a servant. I'm called to be like Christ and according to this verse Christ served others. This year I'd like to continue seeking God and loving Him. Anyways I did want to share that with you as it was challenging to me maybe it will be for you too? I hope you have a great night!