MoVInG mOVinG MOvinG!
Hey! I wanted to write tonight because i have a little down time! I'm not sure when i'll be able to post again, maybe Monday? Ready for a little explanation of my scatter-brained day?
Seriously, do you have those days when you are planning something big, and you have ten thoughts trying to be heard at once? It is absolutely nuts!
I woke up at 4:30 this morning to drive darren to work and i couldn't fall back asleep so i began tackling all the projects for the day. It was a cleaning day and tying up any loose ends here in Maryland. I think (crossing my fingers) everything is pretty much taken care of, except i didn't have a chance to return a part to sears!
Tomorrow the movers will come and pack up our home, i'll order pizza for lunch and make koolaide :) then maybe they'll be extra gentle with our home goods haha just kidding...
Tomorrow the movers will come and pack up our home, i'll order pizza for lunch and make koolaide :) then maybe they'll be extra gentle with our home goods haha just kidding...
Tomorrow night darren and i will only have to vacuum and i'll have to wash the kitchen cabinets out then we'll be good! Wednesday we'll have the housing office do a final inspection and then he'll have his graduation, THEN we leave maryland for good and head to (home sweet home) INDIANA! I can't wait :) I'm going to be so happy even though i won't have the pleasure of seeing the sunshine rolling of the fields that go for miles, i'll still be smiling.
The first week will be a whirlwind of events filled with tons of driving, and lots of family. We'll visit his family first and everyone will be there! I'll finally meet my newest nephew and can't wait. Then the weekend we'll drive to Wisconsin and see my dad's side of the family saturday, and my mom's side of the family sunday for father's day. My grandma invited us to stay at her house for the weekend. I can't begin to explain how special it is to be in her home. It is one of my favorite places, because the minute you walk in, you feel better. It always smells good, there's always a warm greeting, God resides in that home, and you are loved. I get emotional when it comes to explaining how much i love my grandmother. She is a woman of God and i admire her, thankfully God blessed me with two grandma's that are that way! And i'll be seeing both of them this weekend.
I am most nervous about packing the car because we have a lot of things and not a lot of room in the car. Darren is determined to fit everything in and that's comforting. He has been very fun lately towards me. He's taken my mood swings and only reacted with love towards me. For example, We are sitting on the couch Friday night and we're talking and laughing. I said to him, 'after you leave, the next time you'll see me i'll have long hair and there'll be snow on the ground!' then the next second i am bawling my eyes out and he is holding me tight telling me he loves me. Trying to prepare myself for his departure is not simple. As the days go on i'm reminded of another thing i'll miss out on while he's away and it makes it hard. But God knows exactly what he is doing and because of that i'm at peace. I am definitely getting the better end of the deal here, but it still feels wrong!
I talked to my mom today and it was relieving to hear her voice. There's something soothing about your mom's voice even when you're 21. All the fears i have seem to not be so big when i talk to her. I will be a better woman because of our time together. She will be teaching me how to sew and i'll be excited to post pictures of the projects i make! I'm eager for that :)
Darren has three weeks after Wednesday before he has to leave, i can't wait to spend time with him apart from him working and being very tired! He'll be a whole new man lol. We are still talking about doing something just the two of us, maybe a B&B? I hope!
Alright well i should really get to bed, but hopefully i'll have a chance to update soon.
This is my friend Denise's son Isaiah, he has been a lot of fun and i'm going to miss them a lot!