The bedroom i talk about later

My grandma's garden
Grady! my new nephew
I gave the kids sour warheads, this was so funny!
we played cars :)

The girls and I played barbies. You are never too young to play

This is my Grandpa and Grandma Bacon

we played cars :)

The girls and I played barbies. You are never too young to play

The braves game in chicago!

Being an aunt is one very fun adventure

Home. :)

I finally have time to sit and write an entry and i've been really excited about this! Another exciting thing is the environment i am able to write in. I'm on the deck, under a canopy tent, sitting on a comfy chair with a beautiful view of the pond and flowers are everywhere! It's beautiful here and it's the rest i've been craving.
Before i start it's important you know that in my mom's garden that i have a clear shot of there are dozens and dozens of tasty rasberries that are calling my attention! Therefore, if i seem all over the place it's probably because i'm really thinking about running over there to snatch a few to eat. Fair warning :)
Darren and I had a wonderful trip to indiana. The car ride was a lot of fun and we enjoyed each other's company. Long trips are the best and it's a great opportunity to talk about anything and everything. We stayed with his parents for the first few nights and his brother and sister were also there with their families. I met my nephew grady for the first time. He is adorable and the cutest thing is this little guy actually watches sports?? yes, he is 8 months and intently watches...i was amazed. It was nice to hang out with family.
Then darren and I hit the road to wisconsin. We stayed with my grandparents which was an incredible thing! My grandma made a Delicious meal, with strawberry pie (that was to die for!). We spent a lot of time talking, and we looked out in their garden that is beautiful this year. I slept in the 'blue' room that has looked the same for the past 21 years of my life. She says why change what's not broken, and i agree. It's so cozy staying there. We watched baseball with them and we talked about my grandpa being in the army. Ask questions! i'm learning this, because there's a lot of things i'm dying to know but haven't asked before. It's nice to know their history and be able to get to know my grandparents better. In the morning she had put out a great breakfast for us. They spoiled us!
Then darren and I hit the road to wisconsin. We stayed with my grandparents which was an incredible thing! My grandma made a Delicious meal, with strawberry pie (that was to die for!). We spent a lot of time talking, and we looked out in their garden that is beautiful this year. I slept in the 'blue' room that has looked the same for the past 21 years of my life. She says why change what's not broken, and i agree. It's so cozy staying there. We watched baseball with them and we talked about my grandpa being in the army. Ask questions! i'm learning this, because there's a lot of things i'm dying to know but haven't asked before. It's nice to know their history and be able to get to know my grandparents better. In the morning she had put out a great breakfast for us. They spoiled us!
That day we went to my dad's side of the family gathering. It was a wonderful time. We played kickball, ate great food, and hung out. That night we had all gathered and had a special program about my grandparents. They sat down and told stories about how they met, their lives, raising the three boys and angi, and any other things that were brought up. It was so funny! I love my family and can i tell you they each love the lord? How rare it is to find a family this big that each have a relationship with God. I am blessed! I love listening to my uncles and dad talk because they are wise men but they weren't always the men they are today. Through time and experience, God grew them into men who serve Him first and foremost.

We spent the next day with my mom's side of the family for father's day. We had a Delicious lunch and played football, hillbilly golf, and badminton. It was nice to catch up with family. I've really missed everyone.
The next few days we spent with my sister, her husband, and four kids. I had such a good time there! The kids were great and we enjoyed each other. I played barbies with the girls a lot, and cars with the boys as well as wrestling with them here and there. We went to the beach/pool one day and everyone was burnt. Saw zach's baseball game another night, and one day my sister's and i went out shopping. It was an incredible time with them! Those two girls are my best friends. They are both wonderful friends that have seen me through many years and seen my best and worst moments but each chose to love me. Thank you for putting up with me ladies!
Thursday morning we headed back to Darren's parents in indiana. We stayed with them for a few days. I relaxed, swam in the pool, we went to see knight and day (i loved it!), ate good food, and enjoyed catching up.
We headed over to my parents this afternoon and will now spend the remainder of our time here.
PHEW! Isn't that a lot? But it was all extremely worth the traveling back and forth. I've missed my family and look forward to seeing more of everything these next 5+ months. Darren leaves July 7, in about 10 days. I'm not ready! It's funny because i play mind games with myself to not think about it or think about something else when i start thinking about him leaving. I realized the other day to pray about it! God wants to hear all my mushy gushy-ness about how bad i'll miss him, and that i'm not strong enough, or how i don't know what i'll do with myself without darren. God has answers, that i need to hear. To TRUST in Him. That's what i've heard loud and clear, and thank you Lord for that. Sacrificing my husband for this amount of time isn't easy, but this is part of God's will and it happens to bring blessings in disguise. God's way of providing comes in strange packages at times, but trust him because he will work things out for His glory. I'm thankful to be a part of his will right now, it's a beautiful thing.
I will write more tomorrow! Time for a few rasberries! :) have a wonderful night!