It's a.....
Today i had my 20 week ultra-sound! We discovered this baby is for sure a little boy :). I can't explain how it feels when you learn more about your child. The smallest things for example, how much he moves around and wouldn't sit still for this woman to capture images...what a stinker! haha but it made me laugh and love him more. I was able to watch him for a good solid 20 minutes, moving around, hiding his face with his hands, sneaking into corners and not showing his face. ha it was wonderful to know my son is healthy! I didn't cry but i was smiling non-stop.
I'm a thinker and naturally when it comes to having a baby I now think things like...
will he be an athlete
will he be an athlete
will he like Winnie the pooh or Thomas the train or neither?
will he like to snuggle with us
will he like to play with trains, trucks, and all things that go
will he be obedient and love Darren and I
but mostly will he love God and know how much God has given to him? I hope so! /
It's never too early to start praying for your children.
I'm excited to see my husband with his baby boy. There are a few moments i've pictured. One is that i'll walk into a room and see Darren with his son and be able to capture a moment their having together, soaking each other up. I love these two guys so much already and i'm thankful that i'm at a place where loving is easy! Maybe because of how much God loves me?
Here are some pictures of myself and the baby at 20 weeks! We are halfway there :) but i'm truly soaking up this pregnancy and enjoying time with him. He has started to move around and i can feel it! It's the most incredible feeling.

My mom and i went on a roadtrip to Minnesota and Wisconsin last week and now this Thursday i'm heading to Arizona! I will post about both trips with pictures when i come back, and maybe i'll be able to get on a computer. Anyways while i'm gone for over a week in sunny Arizona i'm going to be soaking up the sun and enjoying the beauty! As well as having fun with Darren's family. My sister in law told me i can go shopping for boy things in her closet! haha
Well everything else has been going really well for me. I'm feeling great and enjoying life! God has been good even though i'm not always. He is constantly blessing me when i don't deserve it. I have learned new things from our woman's bible study in Ruth. It's a very convicting study which I need.
'Home hunting' has been interesting! There are moments i feel beyond stressed and then realize it's time to take a step back but I've been able to write down a good list of places so please pray that we'll be able to find something nice and affordable in a safe community.
Alright well I should get going! Enjoy the rest of your week :)