Hi Everyone! I hope you're having a GREAT day! It's a beautiful spring day in Maryland. I happen to love this weekend mostly because everyone is stirring up conversations about Our Risen Lord.
I don't have a lot of time because my mother in law is in town and we're heading out soon but i wanted to let you all know what's been happening.
I've been cracking myself up over a tree. In our front yard we have this tree that may be a cherry blossom kind of tree. Anyways it's beautiful and i feel so blessed to be able to look out my kitchen window and behold it's beauty. Things like this make me happy, because I think God had something to do with it. All along the town homes here no one else has a tree like this, BUT we do and i can't stop smiling and thanking God for it. It's something extremely simple to some, but to me it's a gift. It was just a dead looking tree all winter buried in snow, i hardly noticed it, but now it is adorable!
I am so excited about God, last night i was trying to tell Darren about what He is teaching me in the Bible and about the message i listened to by Chuck swindol. OH BOY do i love my man, he sat and listened (smiling and probably laughing inside) as i practically bounced around. I ended with, 'I just love Jesus so much!'. He is a gift because he challenges me to grow. I was praying last night and finally came to the conclusion that I'm speechless so i soaked up God's presence. Ever have that happen? I have to believe God was laughing at me last night. This excitement is a result of Obedience to Him. The more i study His word, i mean really get to know the books of the Bible (and it's history) i learn more about Him. This God of the Universe restored me and simply amazes me. There is a lot of things I'm being introduced to about His character and love that leaves me speechless. That's a perfect place to be in. As i prayed last night just thought that i could come into the very presence of Him made me realize how incredible this God is...that HE would want to hear from me and have me serve Him. I am not good, but because of Jesus I'm made new and can stand boldly as a new creature, born again. I LOVE it. It's awesome that no matter who you are, what you've done, that the He calls you to Himself.
My mother in law came in yesterday and we have already had such a great time together. We've solved all the worlds problems and shared in deep conversation about God. What a blessing to know when i have children they will have two grandma's that love God and have servant's hearts. I prayed for my children would have what i did growing up, and God answered that prayer. My grandmas are amazing woman, i am blessed with them. I have been writing letters back and forth with my one grandma while the other one we keep up on facebook! How funny is that.
Okay I'm losing focus :) i wanted to say we are going to Baltimore today to show Sharon around. We meant to leave earlier but my husband slept in after a long week, and her and i got to talking. We woman sure do know how to talk, and time flies when it's meaningful.
Tomorrow we're going to have Easter dinner at our home and have a small Easter egg hunt for my two nieces. I almost gave away that there is no Easter bunny when i told Rory i was going to hide the eggs in really hard places! ooppps! I forgot about the Easter bunny haha. We made a smooth recovery however. (phew) We are going to church tomorrow on base, we have no clue what to expect but we're excited to go.
Well i have to get going, but have a wonderful Easter!
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