Hello friends!
I hope you had a great day! What have you been doing for fun lately? Are you excited for spring this year? Personally, i love the beauty of new life.
Spring is a reflection of my life right now as God tends to my heart planting seeds that will grow beautifully for Him one day. As He shines His light into the darkest places in my heart i am struggling and feeling the pain but am thankful! Going through a healing process is a lot like spring. It starts out ugly and dead, then rain comes and it feels very dreary all the time, but life starts to show on the trees and the plants. Sometimes more rain is nesscesary but thankfully there is also times of abundant sunshine! At the end of spring we are all blessed with gorgeous scenery everywhere.
I am truely humbled by the love God has for us, and can't help but get really excited about Him! Today I finished studying the book of Hosea. I loved and hated this book because it taught me truth and sometimes hearing the truth makes you uncomfortable! I'm going to share my favorite verse of this book...happened to be the last one :) Hosea 14:9 "...The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them." I LOVED ending this study with that verse! Often we want to fit God into part of our lives only when it's conveinent for us, and we only want the sweet side of God. The more i study the Bible the more i learn of His character. He may be loving, but He is very just and as i saw the punishment given to Isreal for not repenting and coming back to God after worshipping other idols...well he allowed Assyria to take them back into slavery. He did end up restoring Israel but it was after great loss. I am unfaithful and sin as well, there are serious consequences but God does restore...it's a painful ordeal when we sin against God and others. I'm really learned the importance of Obedience to God, and honestly i WANT to more and more as i discover truth about God. I'd encourage you to dig into this book of the Bible too.
Today i had coffee with my friend and we had a great time catching up before our english class. I went to class then went home and cleaned the kitchen. As i sang my heart out to God i scrubbed the stovetop. I cherish those tender moments between God and I like that. I love that no matter where i'm at we can be together, i look forward to the day when we are face to face...i can't even explain the emotion that goes with saying that. It was a great day and i even finished writing my paper for class.
Now i'm ending the day with American Idol, this is the second season we've watched and i really enjoy listening to the music! People are so talented and i love being able to be a part of hearing them share their gifts. My mother in law comes this friday and we're all very excited to see her! It will be wonderful having time with her. Alright! I better get going, i could keep writing forever but it's time to wrap things up. Have a great day tomorrow!!
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