Hi! I hope you are having a wonderful day. I wanted to thank you all for the continued support in reading this blog and for those that have come back to me with encouraging words after reading. This blog has been a personal drawing board and It's been fun to do what i love, write! Thank you for not correcting my grammar and punctuation, i also love not being concerned about that. :)

Do you know what I'm doing right now? I have lighted a Cinnamon roll candle, turned on pretty music, am wearing comfy pajamas, and kicking back for the evening! 30 minutes ago I was a mad lady taking care of this or that and all the little things in between. I am handling it well though and not stressing because there is too much in my life that makes me so stinking happy! Okay actually it's more about being thankful which leads to being joyful. I'll take God's gift of joy over happiness any day! This week I have not stopped thinking about how good my God is. I was reading in 1 peter last night and again today and came across a sweet verse:
1 peter 5:6-7
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
I did ask God where these words were last week! (ha) I love this verse though. Do you know how hard it is to humble yourself before God and admit you need help? Especially in this world that we're pressured to succeed all on our own? Well i've thrown my hands up in defeat and am recognizing that is not at all how God intended life to be lived. He wants to help us through trials or discouraging situations because he cares for us. What a comforting passage of scripture right there!
I have about wrapped up all of the details of our move and am at peace knowing how this time, although not fun was good for me! I learned a lot and had to be responsible, that's not a bad thing! I was walking around today with a smile singing 'God is good, all the time God is good' Is that even a song? haha well it was the song my heart has been singing lately.
This past Sunday a group of friends from church came over for a baby shower. We had such a good time together. There was a lot of laughing which is always nice! I've known some of these woman since I was a freshman in high school but most are woman that I came to know since having moved back. I had to praise God for providing such a godly group of woman that are a blast to be around and have supported me through this deployment and pregnancy. I am blessed to be surrounded by them and am going to miss spending time with them. I have been given plenty of examples of Christ in these friends.
We dug into delicious food and desserts, had fun playing games, I heard a great devotional from Mrs. Vite that I'm honestly taking to heart!, and had fellowship with one another. God was very much a part of this baby shower and I love that.
The devotional was an encouragement to treasure the phases with my son and remind myself that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. There's going to be rough nights ahead and I'll at times lack energy but it's my prayer that I don't lose sight of the gift God has given me. I don't want to wish this time away with my baby boy because from what I hear, it goes fast.
On sunday we reached 25 weeks! I am blessed to be at this milestone in my pregnancy and still have a healthy baby boy. In almost 100 days he'll be here and i'll be so stinking happy! We have been thinking about names and I have a few picked but am waiting to share for a face to face conversation because I need to really work my charm on my sweet sweet husband. Think that's a good idea?! haha I'll let you know how that works out.
Currently my room is overflowing with adorable baby clothes and all the other gifts that i've been showered with! I love being in here and can hardly wait to see him wearing all of this.
Alright i'm going to go off on a different direction now. Today I was thinking about having this baby and being the deep thinker I am all sorts of 'what if's' popped into my mind. What if Darren can't be there, what if this baby doesn't make it, what if he dies weeks after having him, what if he has a development problem? and on and on did the what if's come! I was starting to get nervous for a minute and then prayed about it because I realized that no matter what happens my God is still good and still cares for me. I have a perfect life sketched out for God to follow but sometimes His plan is not mine and it's actually better even when there is suffering involved. I was taken back to the book of 1 peter and reminded that if I go through suffering to not be surprised and to recognize that since I entrusted my soul to God, His spirit will lay heavy on me and no matter what I go through He will still provide everything that I need to walk through the day. He really loves me and has proven himself a faithful creator. I need to be at peace in that area because to live my life in constant fear would not honor Him at all.
It is important to continue to surrender our will to God and let Him have his way in our hearts. There really are some weeks that it has to be a daily choice I make to surrender.
I am really thankful to the close friends and family that have helped me carry some of the weight placed on me because especially the other day I was feeling really bad and to have them come alongside of me and say, 'let me help' was incredible!
well im going to go but have a wonderful night!
1 comment:
You bless me, almost-Mommy Moore...just thought you should know=-)
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