Happy Thanksgiving!

I am pleased to say that i'm not stuffed! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch just the four of us. (Dad, Mom, Timmy, and I) It was fun to laugh to the point of tears and enjoy a good conversation. I'm looking forward to eating mashed potatoes for dinner tonight. :) It's the best part of thanksgiving! Okay well one of the best traditions for me at least.
Could you not see this post coming? The 'what i'm thankful for' post! Well here it is :)

My wonderful family! Two brothers and two sisters, some additions and little ones too, and my parents. They're all amazing and bring a lot of joy into my life. I'm thankful that God blessed me with a family that loves Him and makes my life fun.

Darren's family! I love my second family and enjoy all the time spent with them. We're spread out across the country but it's nice that we're able to stay close through phone calls, email, and short visits.

My baby boy! Oh my goodness do I adore this little guy already. We are bonding more and more and i'm daydreaming about what life will be like when he arrives. I have a feeling life will never be the same. I can't even believe that he's going to be here soon! I'm thankful to be almost 7 months pregnant and feel this great!
Last but certainly not least, I'm thankful for Jesus! I don't think saying thankful says enough. All year long you've heard me talk about what he's doing in my heart, or how he's blessing me. You know how crazy I am about God. I love Him and am thankful for the gift of eternal life that i'm going to spend with Him. To save you from reading a novel i'll post a song that says a lot about the cross and how I feel about following Christ.
Enjoy thanksgiving and the time spent with loved ones!
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