It's been exactly one year since I became a navy wife!

I've learned a lot this year by letting God have His way in my heart. I understand the special role I play in Darren's job. I know that respect, patience, love, laughter, understanding, kindness, are the sorts of characteristics my husband needs me to show. It's never been easy to walk this road and I hate being separated but we are closer because of the military and how can that be a bad thing? There's always been comfort in knowing I'm his support. It's been important to me lately that I will always provide a safe haven away from work for Darren to come home to, and that he will be blessed because I'm his wife. God has blessed me with an incredible man who has become the best friend I've ever had. People say the military either breaks or makes a couple. Well God has used the military as a tool to rebuild a crippled marriage and i couldn't be more happy to say this made us the couple that serves the Lord. I understand each day more and more how to support Darren and love Him. I am amazed with the way this deployment has not been a time of being sad, but a time of joy and praise to God for all that He's doing in my heart. It comes down to the attitude you choose, because lets face it I'm not going to be able to change the circumstances I'm in. God is honored with my choice to be positive and use this time to grow closer to Him and learn how to better love Darren. I have not become independent or hard against Darren, He is still very much the leader and my heart is as tender as ever.
I'm excited as these last few months stare me in the face because God's blessed me so much already and I know there are treasures to discover yet before Darren returns home.
This day is special because it is a day filled with thoughts of how proud I am of what my husband has accomplished this past year. I could not be more proud to be his wife.
One year down, 19 more to go :) As much as I dread the thought of facing more deployments and time apart from Darren I trust God's hand will guide us through and provide strength overcome obstacles in the future.
"Joy is not gush; joy is not mere jolliness. Joy is perfect acquiescence, acceptance, and rest in God's will, whatever comes." Amy Carmichael
1 comment:
Well said, Laura. :-) Know that while you are supportive of your husband in his miltary career, you also have much support out here in "civili-land." LOL! Those of us touched by your words are here to lift you up as well, as the years go on. Your family is closest, but we civili-landers are in hot pursuit, so to speak, to make sure that any gap in supporting you that appears is filled in an instant. Prayers are like that...aren't they?
God has moved me through your words, and it warms my heart when I think how difficult some of these past few months could have been for you, that you CHOSE to make them months that you drew closer to God. He is a mighty One, knowing what we need, when we need it, and giving us the choice to listen - or not. I learn much by listening. It is a much easier path, isn't it? LOL!
The years to come will be as full of joys and happy years as they will be filled with challenges and hardships. Continue making the choice to be closer to God. He never fails to turn out a great "glass of lemonade" from the lemons we are served. :-)
Love ya muchly, Laura!!
Mrs. B
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