Frankly, i am not a morning person. I will be a sweet woman and i wouldn't dare be rude with you but i am a mess in the morning! In my head i'm still scheming ways to manage five more minutes of sleep! This morning i happen to be waking up at 4 to drop Darren off, i had enough energy to make hot pockets though! (when food is involved that's a whole new story haha) I went back to sleep and dragged myself out of bed at 9:30 which is nothing compared to most of you but i happen to be a night owl and stay up way too late! My two friends Denise and Julie and i were going to workout again this morning. I had a ton of energy for some reason! I was on the treadmill feeling like i could run for miles and miles. Us girls had a great time and for the first time in my life i can honestly say i look forward to working out! I don't mind it, but there is something special about having two friends go with you, have conversation, laugh about goofy things, and the friendly company. What's not to love about working out!! I am thanking God for all the energy and i blame my two wonderful friends who let me be my goofy self.
Our next activity was to Bob Evans to cancel out our morning workout but fill our starving bellies! We justified it in at least three ways! haha i had a delicious turkey wrap with french fries. We enjoyed more conversation and i have to say i am loving Denise's son. (He is adorable) After lunch we headed to Target/Starbucks. We walked around for awhile in our favorite store! I knew they were good friends when they accepted me only because my love for target/Starbucks. :P I bought a couple very cute shirts and a pair of new adorable SHOES! I am not a shoe lover, i absolutely love having bare feet. (a true country girl)
I had a great time with my friends and am treasuring all the time we'll be able to spend together before the military moves us away!
Right now it is pretty late and my husband has been asleep since he came home! I have enjoyed being in his company tonight and glancing over at him occasionally. He is way too handsome! I was thinking about when i first met him and he played baseball at bethel. If he could do anything in the world it would be a professional baseball player. As for now, he lives out the dream by managing a billion fantasy baseball teams. :)
I was able to talk to my sister on the phone today and she was telling me about how my two nieces and two nephews received their letters from me and were so excited. I miss them all so much, and can't wait to be able to plan a trip to see everyone. I loved writing those letters and am anxious to hear back from them! She said they're almost done writing back. I love seeing them grow over the years but want to be closer! I think it's important to make the most out of your situation and right now i'm far away but that doesn't mean i can't be a part of their lives.
I am happy. I've been smiling a lot and feeling light on my feet. I feel like Laura :) That is a refreshing statement! Lately God and I are having serious 'attitude' talks in the beginning of the day. I can't control the circumstances but i can choose how to respond. No matter what is going on or the people around are acting, it's important to be obedient to God. I've learned that obedience yields joy! I started reading Daniel and last night i finally inched into chapter one. It takes a little bit of studying before you even open the book to get a good picture of what's going on, why this book is important, basically i want to know as much of the history as possible. (I love Studying the Bible.) Anyways, Daniel and his three friends entered the scene and after being taken away from their homeland through capture by king Nebuchadnezzar they are facing tough choices. They have moved into a culture that does not honor God. There are a few choices that they need to make as Christians that set them apart. I love how Daniel and the other three are holding onto their faith in Christ and in return God is walking with them and blessing them. He's not removing them from the circumstances, but these men are living out their faith in front of a culture that believes their foolish. I am encouraged by this chapter and i still have many more to go!
Onto other news....Darren and I have been talking about adding a new addition to our little family. That addition being a little furry friend! We are thinking a little kitten. I looked at a dozen baby kittens and wrote a few emails requesting information. Tonight i was answered and they are VERY hesitant in letting military families adopt their animals. They said because of the frequent moves and the chance an animal could not go with. I'm sad about this but am going to be understanding! People in the military have animals all the time so there must be a way around this. I'd just adore a kitten/cat and take the best care of it. I'm praying that there's a way to be able to have one!

I love Maryland, and all of the sunshine! This picture was taken a month ago at fort mchenry where the national anthem was written. Spring has been beautiful here and I've tried hard to enjoy every week of it!
Well i need to get to bed. I have a cough/sore throat/on and off fever since last night and i'm praying it clears up for this weekend because i'm having a ladies weekend! Saturday we're pampering ourselves by getting a pedicure, cooking dinner, and playing games. Then we're going to the christian bookstore to find a bible study to start weekly. I Can't wait!
hey laura! just wanted to say i have been reading your updates and i am hooked=) you have such a way of writing and i love hearing about your life. wish we lived closer i think we could have really gotten close. have a blessed day!
I love reading about your love for God and how he touches your life. I know from personal experience that in the military it is possible to keep your little fury friends while traveling. We had 2 cats and a saint benard, and we were in the Army. moved 3 times in five years and still have those animals today :) Its been 10 years sense got them! Just make sure when you travel you find hotels that are pet friendly and look up base requirements for pets, so maybe you should wait until you get Darren's orders in May and then look up everything :) Good Luck Laura!!
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