Hello friends!
What a great weekend! Darren and I had a wonderful time friday night with our friends eating chinese and then some coldstone! Isn't it great to be able to have friendships? We really do need people along this journey.
Saturday my sweet husband hid a special gift in the cooler in the closet. I had to climb the step ladder to reach it but the treasure was perfect! It was a beautiful necalace, he said 'laura this isn't some cheep jewelry from Jc penney, it's from the same place i bought your ring.' I love my man!
I was able to do a little shopping saturday at kohls, it's truely a dangerous zone for myself because i'm capable of racking up a big spending bill. I think i did farely well and came away with some great purchases. Looking forward to going back again, hopefully soon! That night Darren and I went to dinner and then rented a couple movies, one being nights in rodanthe, i love that movie :)
Sunday I woke up and went to church, it was an amazing time of worship, and teaching from the Bible. I'm so looking forward to this friday night for their fireproof movie night!
Today the bank was closed for president's day, so i was able to relax and hang out all day. I went to our women's bible study, it was an incredible teaching, about the book of esther. It was a great night and i'm glad i was able to jump in and talk with a few sweet ladies there. I'm looking forward to next week!
Have a good day tomorrow :)
~Laura Moore
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